It's been a little over a month now since we got engaged and I have no idea where the time has gone!! How has it been a month already?!
It's been a bit of a crazy 4 weeks though to be honest. As you might have read in my engagement post, the day after Matt proposed we flew back to England for our friend's wedding and it was so lovely being able to celebrate our news with all our people back home. Matt was only able to stay in the UK for the weekend, but I was back for almost 2 weeks and it was such a wonderful trip. I'm so so glad that Matt timed the engagement to happen just before our trip home too as I can't imagine not being able to celebrate with our family and friends.
I got back to Vancouver a couple of weeks ago and now that I've finally caught up with everything and the dust has settled, I'm starting to think more about wedding planning and what kind of celebration we want. And honestly, I'm finding it all very overwhelming!!!
We've thrown a few ideas around and it seems like Matt and I both have the same vision for the kind of celebration we want, which is amazing, but we haven't really made progress yet with the more serious stuff like venues, finances, guestlist or even where we want to get married, so it's safe to say we've got a long way to go!
I'm very much thinking that I want to take it easy and I have no desire to get married next year (I personally feel it's just too soon) as I want to enjoy this lovely newly-engaged period and take our time with the planning. So, the likelihood is we'll have a 2021 wedding and that'll hopefully give us enough time to plan it all without getting too stressy or feeling rushed.
But at the same time though... I also do feel a bit of pressure to get going with it, partly because it's the number #1 question that people ask (and we don't even know what country we're getting married in nevermind anything else!) but also because I know it's a huge task and it's kind of annoying me that we have no idea about anything right now!
Sooo, I've spent all of this morning researching and just getting an idea of the different types of venues out there and honestly... my mind is already boggled. Partly because there is just so much choice but also because I know that it might be more difficult than expected to find our ideal venue that we have in our mind without spending an extortionate amount of money. On the one hand, I know it'll be such an amazing and incredible day/weekend and it'll be absolutely worth every penny...but on the other hand, it still kills me seeing how much certain things cost and the amount of money people spend on weddings is actually a little bit insane. Anyone else feel this way too?!

Anyhow, I think once we start looking seriously and figuring out all the important stuff like number of guests, what country we want it in and our budget, it'll (hopefully) feel a bit less overwhelming and we'll be able to narrow down our search. But at the moment, I feel like there are so many ideas and concepts and countries swirling around over our heads it feels like a very very big task to tackle. Fortunately, Matt wants to be very involved in the whole planning process so that does rest my mind a little, but now I can totally understand why people hire wedding planners to help with everything as it is a lot to organise, especially if you want to do it abroad.
I'm sure I'm not the only bride-to-be to feel this way though (OMG, first time I've ever referred to myself as a bride-to-be!!) and don't get me wrong, I am very excited to get the ball rolling and start planning and I already know that it's going to be such a beautiful and special day. And I still can't quite get over the fact we're enagaged and I'm going to be a wifey....eeeek! But equally, I'm just feeling a tad overwhelmed right now especially when I go through my lovely wedding planner book and I realise how many components there are to consider. It seems a bit endless!

I'll be sure to check in once we've started to make a bit of progress and I will be sharing updates along the way on my blog and likely on Youtube. I've also created a wedding category where you'll find all posts related to wedding planning and the whole process and I think it'll be nice to have this to look back on later down the line.
If you're married or you're further in the process of planning a wedding, I welcome your tips with open arms and I'd love to know if there's anything you would have perhaps done differently or if there are things you decided to do that worked amazingly on the day. Please let me know in the comments - happy to take all the advice I can get right now!!