make 2016 the best year ever

5 Ways To Make 2016 The Best Year Ever

There’s always something beautiful about the start of a New Year. A blank canvas brings a whole world of possibilities, and we’ve even got an extra day this year to make 2016 that bit more special. 

It’s always nice to jump into the New Year with a clear plan to help us feel motivated and inspired to make the next 365 366 days better than the last.  As we embark on the next year, I want to share how you can have the best year ever and make 2016 one to remember! 

1) Believe In Yourself

One of our biggest drawbacks as people is that we limit ourselves and our capabilities. We dream up something big, but then we place mental roadblocks and tell ourselves that we can’t do it before we’ve even tried! Why not give yourself the opportunity to see what you’re truly capable of? Try it for a week, or a month, or a year, and see what happens. Our mind is more powerful than we think, so by lifting those limitations this year and having just a little self-belief, millions of things will become possible.

2) Create Goals

Now that you’ve decided to get rid of those limitations (and if you haven’t, read point #1 again), it’s time to get your imagination going and create some goals. Think about what you really want. Like, really want. Let’s say your goal is to travel the world. Scrap that little voice in your mind that’s telling you that you can’t because of x, y, z reasons. There will always be reasons not to do something, but if you really want it, you’ll find a way to get it. 

3) Be Proactive

You’re never going to make 2016 the best year ever if you sit around on your bum and wait for things to come to you. They won’t. You’ve got to be proactive and go get what you want! Ask yourself what makes you happy, I mean truly happy, and weave that into your 2016 goals. If you’re miserable in your job, be proactive and look for a new one. If you’re lacking body confidence, instead of beating yourself up about the millions of chocolates you ate over Christmas (yup, i’m there right now), clean up your diet, get to the gym and do something about it. You’re the only person who can make it happen and create your happiness.

4) Make Time For You 

As important as all the other things are, you are number 1. You’ll never be your happiest, most successful self if you run yourself to the ground. Make time for you and the things you enjoy, whether it’s seeing your friends, pampering yourself, watching Netflix or going to the gym. Drink lots of water (which is one of my personal goals), focus on eating well and stay active. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you do take that time out either – we’re only human and we all need it! 

5) Implement A Plan

Once you’ve decided on your goals and everything you want to make happen in 2016, create a solid plan and implement it. Set yourself realistic and achievable milestones that will help you to reach your goals so you can make 2016 the best year ever!

My 2016 Goals 

Travel more  (Puerto Rico and Alberta are on my list so far)

Drink more water

Go skydiving

Learn more about nutrition

Procrastinate less 

Get a dog (probably won’t happen…but we should aim high, right!)

Finally get on YouTube

Go paragliding

Learn more about photography

Blog twice weekly

Do more yoga

Launch an eBook

…aaaand the list goes on, but there are some goals I want to keep to myself 😉

How are you going to make 2016 the best year ever? Let me know in the comment box below!


  1. January 5, 2016 / 3:42 pm

    What a great mindset for taking on the new year!

  2. January 5, 2016 / 7:08 am

    Love your goals… you are much more daring than me. I’ve been looking at Puerto Rico too! I’ve heard great things 😉

  3. January 4, 2016 / 4:57 pm

    Great goals!

    I second some of them;
    Drink more water
    Blog more often
    Travel abroad and in the UK

  4. January 4, 2016 / 3:12 pm

    Totally agree with all of these! There’s such a difference between dreams and goals; goals have actual plans and steps in place to achieve, and it’s so important to have those things in place. Hope you have an awesome year!

  5. January 4, 2016 / 12:01 pm

    My favorite is writing goals. I really enjoy it and it is so helpful. I think everyone should do it!

  6. Valerie Hansen
    January 4, 2016 / 9:56 am

    Love your goals, 3 of them are ones I have! Travel, drink more water and do a style ebook! Also happy to meet another Vancouverite, I was raised in the lower mainland and miss it bad! I live close in Seattle, so go as often as I can!!

    Best to you in 2016

    Fashion and Travel

  7. Martina
    January 3, 2016 / 10:46 pm

    Love your blog, Alicia! My goal is Canada trip! Thank you for showing me the place and motivation in great sort of things! Best wishes, may your dreams and goals come true! Greetings from Europe 🙂

  8. January 3, 2016 / 2:40 pm

    Awesome list! Getting a dog is always on my to-do list but sadly it doesn’t happen either. 🙂

    • Go Live Explore
      January 3, 2016 / 2:42 pm

      Thanks girly, glad you like it! Haha I know, if we keep wishing and hoping then surely one day it’ll come true!! 😀

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