When I just wrote out the title of this blog, I suddenly got little butterflies in my stomach along with a wave of "Oh my god....we're getting married!!" Even 3 months in, it's still hitting me that we're actually engaged and every now and then, I get these big bursts of excitement and emotion and I still have to pinch myself that we're going to officially be hubs and wifey.
If you read my last blog post on wedding planning, you might know that we wanted to take our time with the planning and not rush into anything, and I'm really glad we did. Truth be told, I just needed a bit of time to wrap my head around everything as it was all rather overwhelming (in a good way, of course!) and I wanted to feel ready to start planning a wedding rather than rushing into it. I think because it was such a surprise it really caught me off guard and obviously I had not anticipated on getting engaged or planning a wedding this year, so, I just needed some time to process it all and get my wedding planning head screwed on!
But now that we've had some time, I'm slightly more comfortable with this new level of adulting and I can officially say we have started the wedding planning process...eeeeep!!
We had a brilliant brainstorming sesh on our long drive back from Banff a couple of weeks ago and started thinking about dates, countries, what kind of venue we want and how we want the celebration to be and I'm feeling a lot less overwhelmed now that we've got the ball rolling and we have some direction. I've decided that I'm going to share this journey on my blog and YouTube, partly because it's just so exciting and I'd like this to look back on, but also because I want to be able to give some insight and guidance to other couples out there planning a wedding. I know how overwhelming it can feel and there's soooo much information out there, but at the same time that almost makes it difficult to know where to start. So, I want to break it down, share our journey and create digestable content that you will find useful when the time comes to plan your special day.
Anyway, this was supposed to be a short post to introduce my YT video chatting about wedding planning (but of course it's ended up being an essay...that's not like me?! haha) but I have just uploaded a video which you'll find below talking more about it and what we have in mind for our day and I'll continue to post updates on my channels about how we're getting on! I'm so excited!!! xx